
Where can i ride a race horse round a track for my birthday?

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i have been riding for 36 years and this would be my ultimate dream......




  1. I suspect like myself you just want the thrill/experience of riding on a race track, and not taking part in a real race, as most of the people answering have thought.... am I wrong?

    I would love to do this too, but not race in a real race!  I guess the easiest way would be to contact your local race course,  I think I will try Ascot, Windsor and Kempton as these are all nearby, if you have any luck let me know.

    I achieved one of my dreams of riding on a beach, would be great to do this one too.

  2. Well the insurance costs would be insane so if you promised and signed a million forms you could maybe ask a farm but.... I don't know if you are gonna be able to that without owning the horse.

  3. Riding a regular horse and riding a race horse are two totally different things a race horse is so high strung you would have a h**l of a time trying to control it !! The power you feel under you is nuts !! If they want to take off on you you can't stop them !! Only a trained professional should ever attempt it !! A race horse can cost thousands if not millions of dollars so I can't see anyone letting you that it for a joy ride but someone may have a retired race horse that for a large price would let you ride it !! Check with the track in your area !! The muckers would probably be able to give you a name of one of the owners with a horse you might be able to ride !! Good Luck!!!

  4. That is one of my dreams too, you could try the race courses themselves or a stud farm that you know.

  5. I don't know if u are in England but if so, go hunting (it's not really band - just political/media bullshit as usual) and then you will qualify for point to point racing, it'll have to be next  season though. If you have been riding for 36 years you must know someone that has a TB you can "borrow". THEY NEVER FORGET HOW TO RACE - TRUST ME!!!

  6. You might try a training farm that has their own training track.  As far as a race track no cause you have to have a exercise rider's license before they would let you on the track.

  7. Mate i am a former jockey who still rides work  5 days a week and its impossible 2 do what you want as we have to be licensed and in australia that takes riding in  barrier trials with atleast 4 other horses to prove to stewards that you can handle a thoroughbred  can ride safely under the racing rules and that you can balance astride a TB.

    Also just because u have been riding for so long doesnt meen u can handle a TB , what if it bolts on you? or the saddle slips? what will you do then? its happened to me and its fukn scary, all you can do is hold on until it eases its self up  you are at the mercy of the beast and its not fun at all.

    Just because u can drive doesnt meen u can drive a F1, and the diff between a TB and normal horse is like the diff in engines between a family car and a F1.

    But if its your dream i hope u find somewhere but that is highly doubtfull.

  8. If you want to ride a racehorse the only thing I can suggest is that you find a racehorse trainer local to you and start riding work for him.  I'm afraid you will not be allowed to ride on a racecourse as you are not a licensed jockey.

    As many people have said, riding a racehorse is a million miles from riding an "ordinary" horse.  No trainer in their right mind would let an inexperienced jockey ride one of their valuable assets.

    Just a note for Breeze, you can only ride on a racecourse if you are taking part in a racecourse gallop (for racehorses in training only) or in an actual race.  The racecourses are not public land and they will be too concerned about the state of the ground to allow just anyone to ride on the track, not to mention the insurance issues should you fall off.

  9. no trainer will risk ever putting up a rider that cant ride out bucks and rears in a flat saddle, and cause their horse to get lose. every little loss of balance or slip and your weight hitting their back the wrong way can cause them fall or hit themselves causing major damage. and if you cant hold a 50 pound feed bag for a half hour you cant handle a race horse taking a hold of the pit and trying to rip you around when you just want it to trot.

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