
Where can i see the real size of a nuclear bomb explosion?

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I have seen footage of big explosions and photos of devastated Hiroshima etc, but i haven't really got a visual picture of the size of a modern day nuclear blast, is there any where i could see a map, perhaps from an Ariel view to get an accurate picture of the blast radius?




  1. Somewhere in New Mexico

  2. Haight-Ashbury......

    Most of the people there look like they survived a nuclear fallout.

  3. I found a good visual on the net of an atom bomb super-imposed on New York City and then a modern thermal-nuclear device over-laid with about 10 time the area of destruction.  It was quite dramatic.

    Now, if you really want to attempt to understand nuclear's some light summer reading:

    The Making of the Atomic Bomb....Richard Rhodes  (868 pages)

    Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb....Richard Rhodes     (703 pages)

  4. test site, 90 miles n of las vegas, tours are currently suspended, however, they will be available soon again.  In addition, check out Bikini atoll, excellent records of size of cloud over the island-hopefully we never see one first hand

  5. The blast range, and other effects, depend on the size of the weapon.  But here is a site that describes what happens from ground zero going outwards.

    Here is site that calculates effects based on the yield of the weapon.

    Here is a site that lets you see the blast radius superimposed over a map that allows you change the yield and location.

  6. I think PBS did a special on nukes a while back.

    Maybe there's still somethign on their web site about it.

  7. hang out in Iran, you will probably see one sooner or later

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