
Where can i sell my guppy fry

by  |  earlier

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I have about 30 guppy fry and I have no idea what to do with them!! what petstores will take them off my hands?




  1. Unless they are show quality stock, no store will pay for them.  To make any money breeding Guppies, you either need LOTS of them to sell as feeders or low quality "fancies", or VERY good quality, with show type patterns and fins.  Most any pet store should accept them as donations, and may help you out a bit down the road, but will probably not give you any monetary reward.

  2. Look in your local phone book and call the pet stores that are nearest to you. Ask to talk to a manager and they should be able to give you suggestions as to where you might be able to take them.  Guppys are usually used as feeder fish so you may even be able to post them in your local newspaper and be able to sell them that way.

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