
Where can i sell or recycle my old TV (antenna)?

by  |  earlier

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i live in Sherman Oaks. anything close to me?




  1. I was wondering this myself as TV Antennas will be of no use anymore come 2/2009.  I found this online when researching:

    "First, you want to unlock the antenna from the roof top pole (should it be attached to one) by loosening the U-clamp and sliding the U-clamp up and off of the pole itself. The pole is usually Iron, but sticking a magnet to it will tell you for sure. Anything that the magnet sticks to is metal (iron, steel), and needs to be separated from the aluminum and sold to the scrap yard separately.

    Next, you want to bend all of your aluminum ribs or rods back and forth by hand until they snap off of the antenna. Keep your aluminum pieces in a box, barrel or bin for easier transport to your recycling center. You will need a hammer for striking at the plastic pieces off of your antenna. These plastic pieces break easily and must not be left on the aluminum. Make sure to wear safety goggles or glasses when striking the plastic with a hammer.

    Once the plastic is all removed, take some wire cutters or pliers and pull any magnet rivets from the antenna. You now have clean aluminum to recycle.

    Aluminum is currently on the rise. Yesterday I received 64 cents a pound for my recyclable aluminum. Remember that recycling pays and you should never have to pay to recycle. Good luck recycling your old TV antenna."

  2. Try your local freecycle :)

    "nonprofit movement of people giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills."

    Freecycle is Fantastic!

    I've been using it's community for almost a year.

    Best wishes!

  3. try your local town landfill

    they usually have large bins for people to place metal, wood, cardboard, etc.

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