
Where can i sing up for the olimpics?

by  |  earlier

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how long do i have to train




  1. you missed it you cant sign up now its to late

  2. you have to sign up for the local athletics team.. then state team... so on and so forth. you can't just 'sign up' for the olympics. after you've proven yourself to be good enough, the central authority for athletics will take you up. then you have to go through the heats. you have to work very hard and be very determined.

  3. You have to work your way up through sports rankings, starting with state, then moving on to national, then international.  If you haven't been approached to compete at a national level, yet alone an international, you probably won't be finding yourself at the Olympics anytime soon.

  4. If you really think that you are ready for it, ask your training coach to help you get assessed with the state's team, and eventually you can get scouted for the country's squad and train with the finest. Tough thing, not likely to get a spot just because you /want/ it, and it's sorta too late for this year, good luck preparing fast enough for the next gathering!

    Participants have been training almost their whole life, it takes years of dedication and full focus. Many upsets, but the bright goal ahead.

  5. you cant

  6. The singers used at the olYmpics are from the host country... so unless YOUR country has an olympics... you can't SING up.

  7. they dont do singing

    sign up?

  8. If you had even a shot at competing in the Olympics, you would know.

  9. I hope your talking 2012. <}:-})

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