
Where can i store files when reformatting computer for free. i have about 15 gigs worth of files?

by  |  earlier

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Im reformatting or updating my computer to vista and i have LOTS of music and i dont want it to be gone and dont want to burn like 4 dvds worth of music, is there any free sites i could store my stuff so when i reformat i can get it all back?




  1. Uploading 15 gigs then downloading them again to your new computer would take longer than burning them to DVD.

  2. 4 dvds will just cost you less than rm5.

  3. No way to get it free. go to the store and buy some dvds

  4. ADrive at

    They give you 50 gb of free space

    But like the other guy said, it would be a lot slower than burning them to DVD

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