
Where can i study hairdressing on a part- time basis in the uk ?

by  |  earlier

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i would be more interested in the evening or weekend courses




  1. A lot of colleges do intensive courses that run for 3 days a week 9am - 3pm. Term time only. They last for 18-24 months depending on how quickly you can whizz through the course. Some also run them during the evening.

    Edit - You need to contact your local colleges then. As far as I'm aware, none do weekend courses & only some do evening courses.

  2. Use the following link to search all the the colleges in the UK and then contact them individually to ask, or you could look up their websites.  It's important you decide on which part of the UK you want to study in, e.g. London or Birmingham because there are 1000s of colleges in the UK.

    Use the following link which list all the colleges in the UK found in the Yellow Pages.

    Try Croydon College for one, I know that they have a great salon open to the public called Aura, so that you have plenty of people to practise on.

    Go to this link

    Alos try this website

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