
Where can i take my 13 month old daughter out and what activities can we do?

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Where can i take my 13 month old daughter out and what activities can we do?




  1. Where I live they have a great small waterpark with a toddler section, my daughter loves it, and we also play with the sprinkler in the back yard.

  2. the zoo, go to a park, gymboree classes, go for a walk, go to the mall, kids museum

  3. you should take her to a zoo.

  4. take her to the park,to the zoo,or a jamboree  

  5. Go to the park, they love the swings at that age :)

  6. Swimming,

    The sooner she learns the better,

    plus you can have loads of fun in a Pool together.

    A simple cost free kick around with a ball in the park.

    Your Tiddly-peep is just the age now to enjoy so many things,the list is endless.

    Have Fun, Fun, Fun!

  7. soft play area :D they are great

    a farm



  8. ours loved the farm!

  9. Me and my wife have two boys under two!  I never realised how friendly places are for children though.

    My advice is this.  Your local town will have plenty of places where you can change a nappy - M&S for example - Learn where they are as it gives you a base.

    Someone told me that it is illegal for a restaurant in the UK not to offer a high chair.  I don't think it can be true but regardless I have never found a restaurant that doesnt!

    My boys love walks under the trees.  If your daughter is walking the park is amazing for kids they love the space.

    The beach is also a winner.

    Go out and enjoy it!


  10. Feeding ducks is my 21 month old daughter's favourite thing ever - and free if you take along some stale bread.  She loves the sandpit area in our local park too and the swings/slides etc.  I have recently started going to custom built childrens play centres, indoor ones, and I have found that some are designed for children much older - say from 3 upwards, and it has ended up being a waste of money because there isn't many things that are safe for my daughter to play on because she would get trampled by older kids.  The toddler sections in these play centres are usually pretty uninteresting in my experience and don't keep her entertained for more than 5 minutes - she would rather go on the stuff designed for older children.  The situation is worse in the summer holidays but they are better when the older kids are in school, and often I then go onto the bigger equipment with her to make sure she is safe.  She loves our local open farm, and we also use our local children'c centre.  If you're in the UK, then try the Sure Start website to see if you have a local centre.  We do messy play and boogie babies here every week and it's free.  We also go to friend's houses and they come to play here so she mixes with other children and gets a chance to play with different toys.  At 13 months old, I don't think you need to worry too much about where you take her - as long as she is played with and you expose her to other children, she will be happy.

  11. you can take her to...:

    -swimming, weather its swimming lessons or you take her, contact your nearest pool

    -the library, some libraries have story times for babies and chidren, also you can just visit the library to look at books in a childrens corner or take them home for a while!

    -take her to see her family/friends as she needs to interact with other people and im sure they'd like it to

    -you can find your nearest gymboree/nursery/playgroup so she can play with other babies, some are free and some only cost about 50p-£1 and if you take her there maybe you could leave her there for a couple of hours to get on with things you've got to do (not in a mean way leave her)

    -my baby loves the park, i take her in the pushchair and we look at the trees, flowers, dogs and squirrels etc, she points them out and says what they are, then after i push her on the

    swing and she goes on the slide, and even have a picnic! i really recommend if the ice cream van comes get a ice cream, or you can buy one from the shop for her, it's so funny, i give my daughter one and she gets it all over her face, more goes on her face than in her tummy, although she does eat it all, the only thing that is left in the cone/stick!

    -take her around a shopping centre, i do it with my 12 month old daughter and we go in toy shops and she plays with the toys and i let her pick out a toy to buy and we go in clothes shops aswell for her and once i treated her to build-a-bear workshop and she picked out a bear and clothes!!

    -definately take her the zoo some time, you'd be surprised how much they love looking at the animals

    -you could also take her to the sea life centre/a aquarium

    -to a fair/theme park with kiddie rides, although she might be a bit young

    -if you have a beach by you, definately go, just remember to pack suncream, lots of water/juice, a hat, shade like a umbrella or beach tent, huggies swimmer pants and baby armbands etc etc

    -babies love the museum, especially the interactive ones!

    for activities, you could:

    -sing to her or buy one of those childrens cd's and sing to her and dance

    -put on a babies dvd so you can do stuff while she's watching it (try and buy an educational babies dvd, you know, abc's, 123's etc)

    -read to her, i buy the interactive books where you lift the flap, or you touch the different materials or the sound books, normals will do to but my baby enjoys them ones, and she also enjoys pop up books, she laughs when i turn the page and the next thing pops up

    -draw with her, i do with mine and i tell her to draw something and i pin it up on the fridge even though it's a scribble =P and she draws things and i say whats that and she tells me

    -when you cooking, give her a pot or pan and a spoon to bang on, or when your cooking and putting stuff on plates/in the oven/in the microwave etc etc ask her what food your putting in

    -you can just play with her and she'll love it, babies are so easy to entertain, you can play with her and her toys, playing patta cake, make a little puppet, count to 10 and say the alphabet etc

    -try playing catch, or get a really bouncy ball, its funny trying to see them catch it =P or if they can't catch like my daughter, sit on the floor and roll it to one another or kick it

    hope i help xx and have a nice time with your daughter!

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