
Where can i track back my ancestors for free??

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Where can i track back my ancestors for free??




  1. idk i am wondering the same thing

  2. When you find out tell me!!

  3. You  could try the site listed below 101 Ways to Research Your Family Tree for Free Alternatives to Pay-For-Use Genealogy Sites on the Internet By Kimberly Powell,

  4. Short answer, you can't.

    Longer answer - there are a lot of resources available online, and your local library may have a subscription to HeritageQuest or Ancestry that you can use, but it is naive to think that you will be able to find your entire family tree, complete and accurate, without any cost to you. Your state historical library may be a big help as well.

  5. I get some letters from companies that specializes in finding ancestors for tree but I don't recall their name. In my case though I want to track back my ancestors and hung them on a tree.

  6. is a great Internet resource. You can search for any deceased family members and it probably has information on them. is another great resource if you want to know what country(ies) your family is from. A surname search will bring up all of the people with that surname who entered through Ellis Island (which many people did).

    Other great resources are your public library, if they have a genealogy center (mine does) or your local Mormon church (I'm not Mormon, but one came to talk to our Genealogy club about tracking down ancestors). The Mormons have a colossal database, according to our guest speaker, and it is free to access.

    I STRONGLY reccommend using

  7. You PUBLIC Library can help.

    may have a genealogy branch even.

    But ask your public library, most offer on their computers for free.

    Tell us where and we can help you more.

  8. Check out The site has message boards as well as community websites. Your county might have a group of people who maintain a website with records just from your county ( for example is my county). The site also has personal websites of people who are researching their families and put them online. Also look at worldconnect. which is a database of user uploaded family trees.

    Google always helps too. Search for a surname or a persons name and see if anyone has a website with your person in it. can also be helpful though I haven't had the best of luck with it.

    The best resource you have is your family. Just ask your parents and yourr grandparents as well as aunts, uncles and cousins about your family. If you can make contacts with local members of the community, they might also know things about your family. A call to your local historian might also turrn up some information about your family within the community (though historians are not able to do genealogy for you). Also check out your village, town and county offices for records. They are suppposed to charge you to make copies of records but sometimes they are nice and don't :)


    you can also use But thats more for old lost classmates you would like to reunite with them.

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