
Where can i turn to now ?

by  |  earlier

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Heres the story short in 2003 a driver backended me in a dump truck and dint even have his licence due to it was revolked for drunk driving . the companys insurance has delayed the trial and so has the courts. I had emergency surgery to repair my back We have lost our home our cars everything and because now we have to claim bankrupsy all well get in a sealtlment is 5000.00dollars thats not going to go very far with all yhe doctors i see and medication i take now .SSI turns me down saying i can work as a light duty seckatary LOL i was a blue collar worker ive never had to use a comp or type or ect so im finding out no ones going to hire me due to i dont have the right qualifications and i would have to be light duty. i have a young son 5 yrs of age and a 13 yr old living with us. 3 other children have grown and moved on. Even food stamps says i cant get anything there. I have paid taxes for 28 yrs and i never asked to get hit i also never took anything from anyone so why does our government treat their own this way and does anyone know where i can turn to now . By the way the one that hit me commited suiside so in the courts his insurance is pushing look hes sueing a griving mother due to shes got the estate And for you who drink take a good look at this question and see what can happen to hard working and innocent people when you drink and drive Any advice would help.




  1. Check with the tech schools and "learning centers" in your area.  There should be free or low cost courses in computer use, keyboarding, office practice etc.  Some even have grants to help with living expenses while you learn.   You can also look at the possibilities of light assembly (sitting down putting things in boxes and that type thing) and things like telemarketing, appointment setting,answering phones,   Check with a temporary employment service to see what they have available.

    You should also know that SSI and SSD generally turn people down 2-3 times so appeal the turn down. There are lawyers who specialize in doing these appeals and get paid only when and if they win for you and then only a % of the back lump sum money you get.  

    I don't know enough about your circumstances to know the answer on Food Stamps but it goes by total household income and generally adults are supposed to register for work so you may need a dr statement that you can't work.  Otherwise go register w/ the labor dept if that is the hang up on the stamps.  You can also go to to find info on a foodbank in your area.   Foodbanks are the place where groups that help people with food get a lot of their food and they can give you a list of places near you that can help you with food.  

    I hope you have a good lawyer and I would double check with someone re the idea that you can get only $5000.  That does not sound right.   Don't know what state you are in or your state laws of course but they ought to be paying 3 times your med bills at the very least  plus paying for you to learn work you are physically abe to do.  I would have also thought your suit woukld be against the co that hired and employed an nlicensed driver as wekl as against his estate.  

    This next is going to sound hard and I do not mean it unsympatheticly especially since my husband is permanently disabled as a resuly of being rearended by a cement truck while stopped at a red light and got a totally lousy settlement due to having a bad lawyer and our becoming homeless bec I could not support us enough but the government does not owe any of us a living much as there may have been times I wished it did. The gobvernment is us you and me and all the other taxpayers and we only have just so much money and sadly when it goes from ourown hands to the governemnts hands and someone has to be paid to collect it,someone else to count it and someone else tom give it back to us and still another someone to see if we really got it it just doesn't go as far as if we had kept it in our own hands.

  2. For SSI you almost always have to appeal the decision all the way to the court level get it and you need a  SSA lawyer. I am curious as to why they denied you for food stamps, I would like to help you. Where are you from?

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