
Where can i watch international rugby matches in the USA?

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i made the mistake of getting hooked on watching rugby while i was overseas, and now that i'm in the U.S. i have no idea what channels carry international rugby matches, or if any of them even do. any good tips?




  1. There are 2 ways to watch rugby here in the U.S.

    1, Setanta sports, they show  some games but you have to have direct tv

    2, Mediazone rugby channel they show a lot of rugby about 300 odd games or so  live and archived, all you need is a computer with windows.

  2. The website has listing by city in the US, the link is below:

    It lists both networks like some of those already mentioned as well as clubs/pubs/bars etc. that regularly show rugby. Obviously I can't verify the information for all the cities but I can say that on a similar page for Toronto the listing are very accurate and up to date.

  3. google video and you tube.

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