
Where can i watch show on the internet while they come out read text for exsplonation?

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i want to watch the new season of smallville, terminater, simpsons ,and heroes but with every thing going digital i cant get a signal even with the converter boxes so i need a site or something that post or plays new tv episodes after or while they come out thanks in advance




  1. It depends where you are.  You need to google "free cable tv" and "download" to see where you can download software to enable you to watch cable tv for free on your computer (that being said, you might be up for download fees depending on your plan with your isp.  Some television stations also allow you to watch shows for free on their websites. has shows that appear on the ABC that you can watch, however if you are outside Australia you won't have the access.  YOu can download some of their shows in the form of podcasts and I don't think you necessarily have to be in Australia for that.  The BBC has a similar service for its viewers.  

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