
Where can movie treatments from the studio system era of the 1940's be obtained?

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looking for a book or web site that contains movie treatments from the studio system

stuff from thalberg or selznick preferred but i guess others are welcome too




  1. You're going to be hard pressed to find any scripts or treatments from that long ago.  Mostly because the treatment/script format used back then is obsolete so demand for them has dwindled to almost non-existent.  There are a few websites which carry old, old, old film scripts. has an impressive collection of movie screenplays and treatments, but only a handful which date back that far.  

    If you're looking for a hard copy of an older script, your best chance would be to check out bookstores, either online or in the "real" world.  You may luck out and find condensed collections of screenplays dating back that far (I know there's a book collecting four of Preston Sturgess's screenplays available for purchase online).  

    That's about the best you're going to do, unfortunately.

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