
Where can my girlfriend and I go cycling in Greater London?

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I finally persuaded my girlfriend to take up cycling and I don't want her to start on the roads just yet. Can you think of anywhere we can both cycle together that is car-free?




  1. Go on the cycle paths that are all over London.

  2. the thames ;-)

  3. Hyde Park.

    Cheesy, yet effective.

    Or around the Hackney Marshes.

  4. london eye

  5. From an American that designs bikes for a British company which are made in Taiwan... I am not so sure I would ride ANYWHERE in London. If the traffic doesn't kill you the hills will (and I like climbing)!.

  6. South: Richmond (is quite hilly), South Bank, Battersea Park

    East: Grand Union Canal, around the Docks

    North: Grand Union Canal

    West: Hyde Park

    I'm sure there are loads of hidden away places as well, but I haven't found them yet.

  7. Richmond park is good, or you can cycle along the Thames from Richmond to Kingston.

    TFL produce cycle maps covering the whole of London, they show all cycle routes and mark the traffic free paths in a different colour.

    They can be ordered free of charge using the link below:-

  8. Find your nearest tourist info office....Hyde Park, Regents Park. But why worry about traffic? A cyclist will get from A to B a d**n sight quicker than some tart in a Chelsea Tractor.

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