
Where can my sister get hold of animal blood for research project?

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My sister is doing a research project at a local zoo with West African Dwarf crocodiles. She intends to study enrichment methods and therefore needs some animal blood to 'spray' in the enclosure in order to study the reaction.

She has already contacted local butchers and abbertoirs but they are subject to strict regulations and policies (BSE problems etc)

Any ideas on where she could get some?? We're in the UK.




  1. the study needs ethical clearance, and blood supply can be made out from the animals those are in captivity through offical process

    this is very important to take authorised blood  from authorized place when it is research so that you can publish the findings otherwise it is on your records only

    their are labs which can provide you blood but they charge and they can provide you blood of desired animal as they have ethical permission to take out blood from animal for research purpose.

    you can contect Primatre research Centre Kenya,Nairobi also they can guide you better

  2. roadkill on the road.... ew

  3. i could sell you some of my dogs blood,only £1.50 a litre.........thats cheaper than petrol !!!!

  4. ask the zoo in question, they may be able to provide it or point you in the right direction.

  5. a slaughterhouse maybe?


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