
Where can one buy a Fake I.d in southern ontario?

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i need to buy a fake i.d does anyuone know any places in southern ontario where i can get one?




  1. and this is in the hockey section why?

  2. in toronto go to any corner and look for seedy looking people. or better yet go to scarborough.

    or try the strip on queen.

  3. go to the local police station and ask for one

  4. Theres a guy in Honolulu, Ontario who sells them... just look in the phone book when you get there under McLovin

    "I am McLovin"

  5. Some dufus in Clifton Hill will sell you one. You'll just have to pretend to be a 41 year old lady name Gertie. Whatev, everything has a price.

  6. this is the hockey section....

  7. You can buy it from Amazon,cheaper than anywhere alse:

    Hope that can help you/.

  8. Downtown Detroit at any of the locally owned Arab party stores

  9. in the hockey section of your local sporting goods store.

  10. At Shoppers Drug Mart.

  11. Wow......I thought I had heard everything here. Everything from 2 girls and 1 cup to a random question about lotion......but this.....this is by far the worst question ever asked in this section.

  12. Yeah, let me give you a place where they do illegal govt things right here in view of the whole world. Are you kidding me?

  13. well if you want to ask about HOCKEY then your in the right section. But if you want to ask about illegal stuff, YOUR IN THE WRONG PLACE!

  14. grow up... and then you can get one

  15. so you need to buy a fake I. well, you can carve one out of wood, but make sure you smooth it out real well. It'll hurt when you put it in your eye socket if you don't. otherwise go see a professional. i saw how they make fake eyes on How It's Made.

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