
Where can one buy solar panels in India? Which are the various producers/suppliers & the range of these panels

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Any information of its use in lighting systems and possible amplification of the voltage etc would be helpful.




  1. Contact  trade associations or to get offers from suppliers of solar panels , email

  2. Hi,

    The following web site has suppliers for India:

    In the US, the electric utilities compensate individuals who connect up their panels to the electric grid through an inverter/controller. The compensation is generous and eliminates the need for battery packs which can be a very expensive part of the installation. If you cannot connect your power to the grid, then you will need to store the power. Most often this is through battery packs. You will need to purchase a controller to adjust output so the batteries can be charged at a higher voltage.

    If you buy an inverter, you can convert the DC from batters to AC power, however, since your need is for lighting, I'd suggest that you use lights that are directly connected to your batteries. Your choice of voltage could be any standard, however, if the wiring is of any significant distances, you will want to choose a high voltage system to reduce the cost of wire.

    For specifics, I'd ask your vendor to provide information specific to the panels that you purchase.

  3. Hope these sites will help you

  4. Solar panels are being installed in many places by people and these panels are available at many places in even at Hyderabad.Various sizes too are available,

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