
Where can one receive an injection of respirocytes?

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It is a known fact that respirocytes have been proven to be a valid scientific fact for well over 9 years now. However, it is almost impossible to find any information on whether or not repirocytes have been confirmed for usage in humans. So I ask, is it possible to receive an injection of repirocytes in the US? And if so, how much would it cost, and where could it be found? and if not, then what were the reasons behind the cancelling of the research? Has it become a military secret now? Or is it simply something a concept that is too far ahead of it's time and the available technology?




  1. As far as I understand, respirocytes were an attempt to develop an artificial red blood cell.  The need for such cells still exists = there are chronic shortages of blood for transfusions.  None of the alternatives that people have tried to develop have progressed far enough to be used in humans though.  I don't know the specific reasons.

    I am sure there is no way, anywhere in the world, where you can get an injection of respirocytes.  It has nothing to do with the military, just with the difficulties of developing and testing such things for human use.

    You can search the biomedical literature at the link.  I tried "artificial rbc" and turned up this paper:  "An overview of unresolved inherent problems associated with red cell transfusion and potential use of artificial oxygen carriers and ECO-RBC: current status/future trends."

    You can read the abstract on line, and maybe even the whole paper, but the title makes it clear that such technology is still in development.

    So many people need blood so desperately, if a valid therapy had been developed, the news would be too big to hide.

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