
Where can she get help ?

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My friend is 15, i think she suffers from manic depression. She self harms aswell.. Shes once attempted sucide. Her mother hates her.She wants help but doesnt know where to get it from.

And Pls dont say school counsellor as we are on the holidays.




  1. Get her to see her doctor and get antidepressants and counselling. Be nice and calm with her and talk to her. Encourage her to exercise, eat healthily and take a multi vitamin. Good luck.

  2. Try a doctor she can trust or i think she sud go 4 counceling


  3. i have it too.

    she should see a psychiatrist, to get meds.

    or a psychologist.

    she needs therapy.

  4. she needs to admit herself to a hospital

  5. There are plenty of treatment centers. Look in the phone book, or try one of those hot lines. They can probably guide you to someone that can help.

  6. Dont worry, im not another 'school counsellor' commenter. Does she have a baby? Maybe that depresses her. Love and booze wont help, it just harms you even more. Maybe she could talk to a child physcologist? I mean, they can help. If she's depressed, it might get her head straight.

  7. give her this site:

    they will listen to her. they wont judge her, they will help her. you can ring them up whether you are just slightly upset or down, or whether you're in a position where you're at risk of dangering yourself. she can ring them up and talk to them, nobody would have to know. she could email them, and within 24 hours she would get a reply. they would be able to talk to her about where to get further help etc. they really are life savers!

    i used to self harm. im 15 now. hun, you can both get through this. its extremely hard to stop, but she can get through it. well done for being such an amazing friend, she is lucky to have you to support her and help her out. but if you find it stressful and hard, well you can ring samartians yourself too, and talk about your problems and how you're finding it. there is help out there, and people who want to help and listen and make these things better.

    stay strong, both of you. hope i (and samaritans) helped. x*x

  8. Phone 0800 1111 .

    Its the number for child-line

    They can help

    hope this is usefull

  9. church.. there's always guidance there.. im not saying she should become religious if she choses not to .. all im saying is there are many resources available thru church services that may be able to help her .  

  10. childline or a doctor

  11. There are a lot of places she can get help. Look up suicide prevention on-line and also depression. There should be organizations with numbers that you can call to talk to people. They will be able to give her more help and provide her with more information about help in the area in which she lives.

    Good for you for being a good friend. Stick by her.

  12. My dear Skylar...

    First of all I must compliment you on being such a concerned good friend!!! She can be really glad to have such a dedicated friend like you!! Now... on the issue...Skylar...this is a VERY serious matter, because manic depressive people need "special care". -and- she sounds as if she's a "borderline"-patient as well...So that's : double concern & needs to be : TREATED immediately !!!

    Since we can't expect any assistance from her Mom (which is real sad...) -you- must get "active"!!! I would suggest to contact either a mental-health-center...-or-  check out the "yellow pages" for a psychiatrist (because he's the only one, who can prescribe medication) - a psychologist is not a "bad idea" either, but a psychiatrist is the type of professional she really needs in order to get proper medication ! Manic depression combined with Borderline-syndrome is a serious matter, which needs to be treated properly!!! Depending where you live...there are several places (especially in the larger cities) you can get help ! I wish you :"good luck" in your endeavor & thanks for helping your friend !

    Wishing the both of you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love, care & concern... Annette***

  13. The only person that can help her is herself or phone the doctors.

  14. tell her to talk to her parents. if you look online there should be places she can ring and talk to people who can help her through it, and also her doctor can arrange for her to see someone

  15. You sound like just the kind of friend she needs just now.

    Have you thought about talking to your mum? She maybe able to go with your friend to see her local GP which is normally the first and hardest step.

    The fact that your friend wants help means she wouldn't mind you talking to your mum on her behalf

    Good luck to both you and your friend  

  16. stick by her my Friend tried suicide before i met her talk to her parents and a Doctor or something go to a health center they have loads of leaflets about everything they will  have numbers on them and websites addresses etc its all positive and confidential  

  17. This is really sad to read, there may be a phone line or a website that can guide her in the right way to get help, there may even be somewere close to were you live hat could help.

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