
Where can two 13years old go on a date in san antonio texas?

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Where can two 13years old go on a date in san antonio texas?




  1. well im guessing ur in 7 th or 8th grade, and i think that that is old enough to go on a date, and i reccomend the movies

  2. Im going to tell you straight up..No 13 year olds should be going out on dates...Your too young..Your parents are fools to let children date children...wait till your older and a bit more mature for this...Have fun just being a kid, and do kids activities, not dating....Your not ready for this..There is plenty of time  for that later on...

  3. Go see the Movie House Bunny.:)

  4. If young teens were to want to go on a date, and their parents agreed, the Riverwalk would be too expensive for the restaurants, and otherwise would be mainly clubs they couldn't enter, so that would be a poor choice.

    I would recommend a place where they could be dropped off and picked up, but is well staffed, and public.  Good choices are movies, ice or roller skating, or someplace like Incredible Pizza, or possibly an amusement park.

    When my young teens want to go out with friends (without parents right with them) we often take them to the movies, but also go to a movie at the same theater, so we are there to take them home.  When they want to go to Fiesta Texas, we take them, but also go, and are able to keep in touch by cell phones.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) this also allows us to be available should they need additional money.

    While I believe teens need their space, in a city the size of San Antonio, there is also a need to provide some safeguards for younger teens.

    EDIT:  Just as a note, I also, personally, agree that 13 is too young for teens to date.  But that decision should be between you, your parents and your date and their parents.  I allow my teens to go out with friends, in groups, but they do not date, and will not have dates (other than possibly school dances) until they are 16.  But that is our house's decision.

  5. A date???  My my, I think you are a little young for it, but get your parents to agree on an activity and drop you off for a set period of time at a restaurant, movies, or mall.  Then just go have some fun for a little while and meet the parents again, having enjoyed your afternoon together.  

    Hey -- enjoy  your youth!  Too soon it is gone.

  6. Two 13 yr olds shouldn't be on a date.... but I guess that's beside the point. Go somewhere very public and be careful. Your parents aren't very wise to allow you to date at your age. Sorry.

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