
Where can u buy discounted o2 top up cards?

by  |  earlier

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Ive seen some on ebay going for £9, but does anyone know any safe websites that sell o2 top up vouchers at a discounted price?





  1. From what I've seen not really, unless you wanna try Gumtree and just make sure the seller's being legit I guess... I've seen a few on Gumtree but never actually bought any.

  2. Hi if you look on the o2 website they do offers on there where you can order up to 4 at 1 time all you have to do is fill in the form & they send them to you free of charge if there not doing the offer then go into your local o2 store & ask them ! personally i wouldnt pay for 1 unless it was a platinum no. where the no.s run consecutively .... hope this helps  

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