
Where can u buy the cheapest Marlaboro cigarettes in spain?

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Im going to Alicante, Valencia and Benidorm. I may bring back as much as 48*200 Marlaboro cigarettes. Does anyone know any good tobacconists there?




  1. the price is set by the goverment so they should all be the same price, although some shops do put a couple of cents on, you can legally only buy them from official shops and some pubs have machines but not all, Marlboro are running at €3 a pack at the moment

  2. the tobacco prices in Spain are set by the government so no matter where you buy them from it will be the same price.

  3. listen pal all tabacs are controlled by the government and the price of cigarettees are fixed no place is any cheaper than than the other .

    only government tabacs exist nobody can seel cigarettes apart from them the price is 31 euros today for marlboro works out around £20.50 for a a sleeve.

    and if you are going alone I suggest you stick to the limit of 16 sleeves per person obviously if you are going three handed you will be able to bring 48 sleeves back and may I also suggest that all three buy the cigarettes indiviually and all get a seperate reciept if you get stopped and the cigarettes are all on one reciept you will have a very good chance of getting them confiscated.

    and they dont have deals like 1000 for the price of 800 that was outllawed six years ago you may get a free half bottle of whisky or some free tshirts but they dont do deals

    also remember if you pay by credit card in a lot of the tabacs they will be a surcharge of between two and three %

    just noticed the answer about so called duty free shops in airports all cigarettes in the airport all cost at least 2 euros more than the local shops so dont wait till you get to the airport duty free for travel within the EU  was abolished in 1999 so dont worry about that it does not apply to you from the UK

  4. They are all pretty much the same price now so take ur pick

  5. cigarettes are half the price they are here who cares if you save a few cents more here or there.

  6. Just a quick correction:

    200 Marlboro in an Estanco costs €30 not €31

    20 cigarettes anywhere else are €3,15

  7. Lorette D'mar

  8. All the tobacconists are roughly the same price. (my parents live in Alicante) Marlboro will be one of the most expensive though I always go for cheaper smokes like Sovereign there pretty cheap over there or Fortuna lights prob the cheapest and not bad or not too light. but if your fussy then I guess is Malboro. They often have deals on like 1000 for the price of 800 so take a look around a few.

  9. buy them in the cigarrete shop, the name is: estanco, is much cheaper, if you buy them in any other place in the machine is gonna be more, ask for any estanco to some one, there is so many everywhere, is the cheaper place, otherwhise sometimes some people in the market or in the street can sell you cheaper, but ilegal, you may see some one, but normally I allways buy them in the estanco. good luck in heathrow.

  10. The price of cigarettes in Spain is set by the government. The only exception to this is in the Canary Isles where they are much cheaper because cigarettes are not taxed or taxed as much, but in the case of the Canary Isles you can only bring back 200 cigarettes.

    Some regional airports in Spain such as Granada, they don't have duty free stores to shop at.

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