
Where can we buy a gauge rake for self leveling cement in Toronto?

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  1. iknow what you mean  ...

      any good home depot   lowes or hard ware store will have what you need ....

      mix your  self leveling compond like a milk shake....

      let it sit for 4 - 5 min  then trowel on the floor  ...

      it will find it own level ... dont play with it to much   as it goes off real fast

  2. America!

  3. Why buy one? Make your own. Use a 2x4 with a torpedo level on it.

  4. Hiya monp,

    I've been scouring the net to no avail for this, but if you call one of the concrete overlay companies in your area they may be able to steer you to a local supplier.  If you are willing to go through the net, try out these folks  We have a gauged spreader like the one in the catalog pic, but I've found that a typical garden rake works best for me as I "join" pours.  I am a tile contractor.   I'm not sure what you are intending to use this for, but we rarely install heat mats in commercial applications and only use SLC's to prepare large floors with dips for large format tiles.  If you're indeed using the SLC for a heat mat installation, the guaged spreader with the runners would definitely be good to use to avoid raking the delicate wiring.  Good luck!

  5. i dont even know what a guage rake is, but there is a HUUGEEE HOME DEPOT with everything u need probably.

    its across wilson station subway

  6. You say cement  That is a useless statement cement is a dry powder and what are you going to do with that? You obviously need help from some one who knows what they are doing

    Cement will get you no where

  7. I am guessing you mean concrete.  

    Have you tried the building supply stores like Home Depot, Rona, Castle and Loews?  

    You might also try Battlefield Equipment rentals.

  8. Rent it unless you intend to use it for other jobs!

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