
Where can we find a republican dog?

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we are liberals here at our abode and felt that getting a more liberal dog would be the best choice for us. we found one, a precious chihuahua mix who's hippie owner had sadly passed away, so we adopted him. the problem is that he thinks he can have and do anything he wants to, whenever he likes! he won't eat dog food and sidles up to anybody that might have a morsel for him. he steals food too, whenever he can get to it when your not looking. our cat, who is a republican, by birth, gets mad and beats him up sometimes ,even though they are the same size. we really want a dog, now, with more discipline and loyalty. can one of you republicans be so kind as to direct us to where we could maybe adopt one of your dogs? thanks in advance!




  1. Ahhh I see your have an illegal immigrant dog oops I mean an undocumented worker dog.  Sorry but you have no choice now but to continue to care for it for the rest of your life and all it's puppies too.

  2. lay off the weed

  3. Sorry, I have the only republican dog.  His name is George W and he is a delightful conservative.  He waits patiently for his food, barks when something is wrong, doesn't complain, gives me kisses when I come home and chases the squirrels from our yard.  In other words he earns his keep.  He and his beautiful bride had five little republican puppies.  They all went to lovely homes and are subconsciously converting them to conservatives.  And in pure conservative fashion we have a nice plasma TV to show for hard their work.   Watch him training for Olympic Soccer below on youtube.

  4. I don't recommend a Republican dog. I had one, a small whippet. He kept trying to eat my flags, and sadly, last year he choked on one.

    Still have my Democrat Cat. Goes his own way, basically tolerant, but fights to defend his own territory.  

  5. Huh...?

    Perhaps you should get a little more fiber in your diet and rewrite this question.

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