
Where can we find market analysis for our software product?

by  |  earlier

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We are planning on launching a software product and current there are several customers using it. We want to know their market share and relevant market analysis information. Could someone direct me where I can find this information? Which company generally provides market analsyis for all products and customer segments?

Any link, resources will be helpful.





  1. Not sure I am following you – but,

    If you want information about your current clients so you can make claims such as:

    Currently being used by 3 fortune 500 companies or Being used by a $500M real-estate development company…

    Then try:

    You could also ask your customers for this type of basic information.  If they are private companies you may get more information in this manner.  Additionally as you will likely need references this is a good setup.

    Generally, when doing this in the past I have profiled the companies in terms of what characteristics make them a good fit for my product.  So that others can see where they are similar, etc.

    Another angle to consider is to assess the market based on this criteria i.e. if the SW is suited for mid-sized insurance co’s and there are X mid-sized insurance co’s, if we capture Y % of the market we get…

    Feel free to email me as this type of business planning interests me – might be willing to exchange a few emails to assist.

    Good luck.

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