
Where can we find someone that needs to place a child for adoption?

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We are approved for up to two children. We are looking into both state and private adoption, too. I hear of people who advertise on their own or sign on with one of the online profile sites. Either way is expensive and I'm not sure of the success rate. Advice is appreciated! Please feel free to email, too.




  1. i would ignore joslin's response it seems likes she's been crashing alot of hopeful adoptive parents hope, i too am in the same situation.  The only way you can chunk out 10 -20 thousand dollars for an adoption is if you were rich!  and I bet you like me are stable and everything is going good just longing for that love of a child

    let me know if you have any luck please  and good luck to you as well!

  2. If you cannot afford ads in the newspaper, or online parent profiles, then you cannot afford to adopt.  You will still have to hire an attorney to terminate all named birthparents rights ($2000 - $4000), and then finalize the adoption ($1000-$2000).  And that does not include diligent searches, publications, serving and private investigation work for locating birthfathers.  But these are certainly lower fees compared to adoption through an agency or attorney.  But do beware -- if you go it alone, then you go it alone!  You take on ALL the risks.  Without an agency, if a birthmother decides to parent, after you have given her rent and grocery money for 9 months, you are out of luck!  Or if she or the birthfather decides to fight to get the baby back, then, oops!  You are out of those fees, too.

    You can read my post to another family about the fees, if you have not read it.  Most people just do not understand about adoption fees.

  3. i would reccomend staying away from doing your own advertising.  there's nothing wrong with if you hear of a situation looking into it, but make sure you have an adoption attorney to protect you and your interests.  many scams have been ran on people desperate for a child, and run their own add.  you need at the very least a reputable attorney to cross the t's and dot the i's for you, or you could be setting yourself up for heartache.  the online sites are great if they're through a reputable agency.  but many aren't.  as with anything.  do your research.  know exactly what questions to ask, and who to ask them to.  inform yourself best you can.  research the agency you are going through and the attorney you use.  many agencies have long wait lists and you can pay them thousands of dollars and have a long wait.  and with the passing of each year you have to pay to update your homestudy.  the agency we went through we paid no money until we matched with a birthmother.  once we matched we paid their fee and were given the information and it was up to us to stay in contact with her.  but there were there every step of the way to offer support for both us and her.  we did not pay our attorney until the parental rights were relinquished.  also had our birthmother decided to parents, the agency we went through would roll over our fees into the next situation.  the only at risk money we spent that if the adoption did not go through was the birthmother expenses we paid prior to the birth of our child.  i reccomend you find an agency that does not incourage you to spend much money on birthmother expenses out of your pocket before parental rights are relinquished.  there are many agencies out there that operate the way ours did, you just have to do your research and find them.  i personally would not sign with an attorney or agency that requires the majority of their fees before a match is even made.  or does not have some sort of protection if the birthmother decided to parent.  your fees should be rolled over into the next possible situation.  my best to you, adoption is the most awesome way to grow your family!

  4. I just wanted to compliment you on this question.  No where did you say the word birthmother!  Fabulous!

    The parents of my son found me through leaving their profile at the ob-gyn.  While it worked, I now realize how insensitive and yucky networking and advertising tactics are.


    Subtle or overt coercion of expectant parents exploring options for an unplanned pregnancy can come from many sources, typically including boyfriends or husbands, parents and friends, as well as others in their social networks such as faith communities or schools. Duress or intimidation can also come from professionals from whom expectant parents have sought help, however, including health providers, counselors, or attorneys." pg. 30

    I'd stick to profile sites, using the good sense you used in how you phrased this question.

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