
Where can we find work in Italy?

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My husband and I would like to work in Italy for a year.

We can't speak the language, so it would properbly be very basic work. One of our mates work at a vineyard, which would be cool.




  1. in the army ,oops have you got a white flag!

  2. A good place to start would be Italy! A.

  3. good luck

  4. Yahoo search Job agencies. There are plenty of overseas positions for yourself and your husband. A job agent will sort it all out for you, as it is their job.

  5. You can always find work teaching English in any big city. Turin is great for this. If you like I can always give you the names of some schools that are always looking for teachers. You need to be in Italy by the September/October period when schools often struggle to find teachers at the beginning of the teaching year.

  6. Hi!! I'm's easier find a work in the big cities with a lot of should work as waitress, or in the hotel or maybe as a turist guide but you should know a little bit of history and art.

    Where you would like to work? North, South, on the coast...??

  7. You can give a look to one of these "annunci" in Italy. You will find people who need english speakers.


  8. Hello lassie, Im currently living and working in Italy in Venice. I know a lot of English people out here who do not speak the language almost all work in bars, restuarants, hotels etc. But I would advise you to look at english companies in Italy, for instance I know a few English lads who spend there days delivering parts, accessories (bed linen, mattresses) etc to camp sites all over Italy...and they get free use of the van in their spare time as well. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the company off the top of my head but it is a major English camping company...I will try to post the name as soon as possible, in the mean time run a search on the web :D (they are also payed in sterling)

    Also u could do the teacher route...take a look at Shenker, or oxford school of English...but be warned the pay is bad.

    Mc frenchyl

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