
Where can you Buy really Big Boxes???

by  |  earlier

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aka people size boxes

and is there a website for them




  1. appliance place is good.. as they do fridges. as mentioned before.

    but you could try various storage companies , they also normally sell boxes.. big yellow etc.

  2. Depends on where you live. I know in Palm Springs, CA. there is a shop that sells boxes this size. I am sure that there are shops like this all of the country. Look in your yellow pagesunder shipping supplies and I am sure you will find something. If you need the name of the place in Palm Springs, just e-mail me.

    Good Luck


    Looks like you can any size you could want here....

  4. Most storage facilities ie long term furniture storsge have boxes of all sizes, even wardrobe size.Try yellow pages for one local to you.

  5. The really Big Box Shop.

  6. check the dumpster behind a Walmart, sams club, costco, or kmart!

    or ask them for them inside.

  7. in a really big box shop

  8. walmart and staples can special order them for you

  9. "people size boxes" Lmao

  10. Try the wardrobe size packing boxes in the link below

  11. Moving companies like Uhaul, also shipping companies like UPS

  12. Try an appliance sales place for their cartons. Good luck and God Bless.

  13. the really big box shop! actually you can buy cardboard coffins if thats what your looking for?

  14. uhaul

  15. Why buy them? if you have a recycling center in your town you could probably get some for free... at least that's what I do.

  16. I'm  curious now. Do you have a lot of people to store? Those vacuum bags would be more space saving, where you suck all the air out and make them smaller.

  17. smurfit stone is one box vendor

  18. I would love to know this, too.

  19. a coffin shop

  20. You can purchase them at Uhaul or some type of storage company, or any type of moving company. However if you purchase thru uhaul and not damage the box you can generally get your money partially back, believe it or not they do this.

    By the way no offense but why a box big enough for a body?>>>>kind of scary.....

  21. I'm not sure about the UK, but here in the states there's a place called Boxes to Go. They sell all sorts of moving and packing boxes in a huge array of sizes. They even have some wardrobe boxes that might be "people sized" if the person is small enough.

    Please tell me you aren't planning on mailing somebody someplace!

  22. Moving and storage companies. Tell them you need a wardrobe box.

  23. What are you planning to do ???

    Most of removal companies will sell boxes but whether you can fit a body in one ????


  25. If you go to local stores that sell large appliances, many of them will let you have the boxes for FREE! they throw them away anyway so they usually don't mind. Just ask nicely. :)

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