
Where can you buy 'caution' and 'danger' tape from????

by  |  earlier

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  1. from a police supply store. just heard a funny line- this woman was finding out from a doctor about the cvost for a surrogate mother and the doc said $100,000. The woman said "its cheaper to get a hitman!">

  2. you can get this from a Hardware store.  You may have to ask them for it, as I had too, they didn't have it in a normal spot.

    Good Luck hope you find it.

    Have a good day.

  3. You mean this stuff?.

    Good Luck

  4. J Blackwoods & Sons - industrial supplies.

  5. I have seen it at Bunnings,I also recall seeing it at larger plumbing supplies such as Reece

  6. if you live in australia there is a store called FELLAS, they have stuff like that  

  7. Mostly a hardware store. Like Sears Hardware. Ask the employees where to find it if you have trouble. I hope you can find your tape soon!

    Best of luck.

  8. a hardware store in the sign section  

    or you could just ask where the caution lined tape is.

    hope you like my advise

    hope i get best answer

  9. steal it from the police station.

    they should have some there i think...

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