
Where can you buy an invisible cloak?

by  |  earlier

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and how much does it cost




  1. the emporers closet.....

  2. diagon ally...or sum s&*t like that

  3. Satan will give you one, all it will cost is your soul. Mwah ha ha ha.

  4. Well, Richard Rahl found one on a mriswith that he had just killed.  It's a good thing he could sense its presence with his magic, eh?

    I guess all it costs is a little magic and a h**l of a lot of guts lol

  5. Ask James Bond where he got his invisible car.

  6. Harry Potter

  7. They do not exist. You cannot buy one. However, members of the military research teams are coming close to pioneering light-bending technologies. If "invisible cloaks" were real then they would, at this time, be the sole domain of the military and civilians would never be allowed to own one, simply because of the ramifications of their use in terrorism and assassination.

  8. I will make you one for a couple of hundred bucks upfront and send it to you.

    When opening the package please be careful, if you drop the invisible cloak you will never find it again.


  9. i have no idea but i totally want one!!

    i heard that they were making them now for like real.

    but i didnt know they were out yet.

    ughh invisibiliy!!

  10. Burlington Coat Factory. Only problem is that you can't see it, so you can't buy it.

  11. I am sure that e-bay or your local magic shop would be more than happy to sell you an invisible cloak................................

  12. I could teach you the formula for invisibility .. but nah, you'll just have to find out the hard way and {l}earn it yourself.

  13. I have 3, one on ebay, one is mine, and i rent the other one out to criminals

  14. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  15. Its not real... YET! I hear the government is working on something that can stop light from reflecting... so far unsuccesful...

    But it may never come out. The only place you can get a real one for free.. would be.... YOUR DREAMS!!!

    lol im serious!

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