
Where can you buy cheap cigarettes on the internet?

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Where can you buy cheap cigarettes on the internet?




  1. i am lucky of not ever being taxed, and i received 10 cartoons of Marlboro two weeks ago from

  2. i dont know, but you shouldnt buy them anyway, they are worse then the real thing, they cut things into the tobacco to bulk it out, just like they do with illegal drugs. Just buy the real thing, or go to the airport and get them duty free!

  3. go on a cheap booze cruise to france and stock up

  4. if you did then customs and excise would be after you for the tax and probably take your ciggies anyway.


    Or use something like and put in the brand name of the cigies you want to find.

    Just be careful who you give your CC# to.  One way to be safer is to get an additional low-limit card and use that on the internet.


  7. If you are American, be careful about buying cigarettes on the internet.  I bought them from ESmokes for about 5 years.  Everything was fine, they were inexpensive, they delivered them on time, they were the real deal....


    After 5 years of everything going along fine, my state sent me an EXCISE TAX bill which amounted to $5000!!!!!!  That included interest and penalties...and they wanted the money within 30 days!!!!

    Think twice and thrice about that risk.

  8. You're a few years late, mate. HMRC sussed that out while you were still in your pram.

  9. its called( cheap ciggies on line )

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