
Where can you buy liquid latex, scar wax, and thick blood?

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Where can you buy liquid latex, scar wax, and thick blood?




  1. You can buy them from Hot topic, Spencer's, online at any horror or Halloween boutique, eBay...or you can make your own.

    See the videos below- everything in them I made myself and it looks just as good-if not better than store bought stuff.

    For latex use a gelatin mix, let it harden on your skin. The same goes for making scars- you can easily use gelatin (do a search for it on Google, or you can email me for more For blood, use red food coloring, yellow (VERY little), blue...some chocolate- a small bit- and Karo or golden syrup. You can also add Elmer's glue to really thicken it up. Basically use anything red-like red koolaid even, and mix it really well. My last video has that combination.

  2. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  3. Liquid latex:

    Scar wax:

    And the best solution for fake blood, especially if you need a lot of it, is to make it yourself.  Here's a good recipe for thick blood:

    Mix up a batch of Chivers red jelly (jello) using 3 times the amount of water stated on the packet. Add more red food colouring (4 drops per packet) and 1 drop of green food color per packet and finally add 2 tablespoons of sifted flour to thicken the mix and make it less translucent. This will give a thick liquid fake blood that can be used in bulk. The extra drop of green food colouring is essential!

  4. You can buy this at any makeup store where they sell makeup for character makeup, not sure where you live but in Los Angeles, they have Cinema Secrets, Frends, and Naimes.  You can buy Cinema Secrets online, some of the products used are made by Bye Nye.  I would check out there websites.,

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