
Where can you buy tyre inflators with gel in them to repair punctures quickly? (UK)?

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A few months ago I saw a one time use tyre inflator, that had gel in it, so that the gel filled the tyre to fix a puncture, and the air re-inflated the tyre. however now i cannot find it anyware. i think it was made by 'Slime' and was about £8




  1. You can buy a tin of "tyre weld" from any Halfords shop. Slime, which you can also buy from Halfords doesn't reinflate the tyre- it seals some but not all punctures and allows you to reinflate it. Tyre weld seals and reinflates at the same time. I've tried both methods and I prefer to use tyre weld.

    Edit- The product fixed wheel yellowbelly is referring to is Tyreweld but be careful- you need to buy the one from a bike shop as only it has the adapter to fit a presta valve. It's a rip off because the can is a lot smaller than the one you buy from a garage for car tyres but that one only comes with the adapter to fit car type valves.

  2. There is a product that will both inflate a tyre and put a gel into the tyre.

    It is made by HOLTS and is for cars and motorcycles so it will only fit those types of valves. I have never used this item on a cycle tyre but I have used one on a motorcycle and it did work.

    The idea is (if I remember correctly) the tyre is inflated with the aerosol and then ridden in order to distribute the gel through the tyre in order for it to 'find' and plug the puncture.

    The cans can be brought from car accessory shops and are about as tall as a bidon but about half the diameter.

  3. I would suggest you either:

    Buy tubes with Slime already in.(6.99 each)

    Buy two new tyres with Kevlar puncture resistance built into them (bit more expensive tho.)

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