
Where can you find Feebas in Pokemon Pearl?

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Where can you find Feebas in Pokemon Pearl?




  1. you have to fish

  2. You can find him on Mount Coronet, in four random tiles.  He is very rare.  You can also try to trade a pokemon for him on the Global Trading Center, or migrate him from a different game if you have any.  Look on for other video game help.

  3. Sry man u can't get feebas in pokemon pearl or diamond, u can only get it be the AR or migate it from pokemon ruby or saphirre

  4. you have to get the super rod on route 225 (after beating elite 4) then go fishing in mt. cornets cave fish with the super rod and catch a female or male feebas (you can evole feebas into milotic by maxing out a female feebas's beauty then leveling it up) i kno its hard to understand but yea >.<

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