
Where can you find a picture of an x race horse??

by  |  earlier

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I have an x race horse and i was wondering if i could find a picture of him somewhere or how should i look for one. Also, could i some how find a video of him racing??




  1. WHat the other person said. You can go to a few different websites and buy the race record. They are between $20-$80.

  2. I believe that you can get his racing record from the Jockey Club... then you can contact the individual tracks where he raced for their records... if he won, you can probably get the pictures of him taken in the winners circle... if he was first or a close second you can probably get the photo finish picture (depending on whether he was racing on the inside or outside, you might get a good picture of him or just his nose in the picture).  And you might be able to get the video of the race.

    If he ever raced in a stakes race you might be able to find video on youtube or something like that.

  3. wot is his name? where was he raced?

  4. You won't (in all probability) ever be able to get a Photo_finish print,  But if you have the papers, look at the win record, then contact the track photographer from the relevant track, chances are that if the horse has won in say the last 5 years, he nor she will still have the negative from the win picture still available for sale.  Track photographer names are available from most tracks websites, or call the Racing Department they give it to you

    hope this helps

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