
Where can you find chamber theater pieces?

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  1. Here's a piece for chamber theater:


    In the beginning, there was darkness.  Then God said, “Let there be light.”  And there was light.

    Then came the strong winds (Wosshhh!) and the swirling, turbulent waters separated from the islands (SHHH!)

    On these barren islands sprang tiny COGON grass (crasshhh) blown by the strong winds (wosshhh!)  Then came tiny twittering birds (Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!) hovering here and there around the cogon grass (crasshhh! Crasshhh!)  Beautiful flowers bloomed and swayed making the world a lovely place to live in.

    Out of nowhere came the beautiful goddess of vegetation, Proserfina, who looked at the beautiful flowers with delight and listened to the twittering birds (Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!) with approval.  She took pity on the dried cogon grass as they were so withered.  So she brought forth her left breast and squeezed pure, white milk into the cogon grass.  She likewise brought forth her right breast and squeezed all her milk out and Lo! These became the white rice.

    The birds twittering (Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!) the beautiful flowers and all the l;iving things (yahoo!) were indeed very happy.

    But then, murky evil came to loom the earth-strong winds (swooshhh) and typhoons (swoosshhh!), volcanic eruptions –(boom!), swirling waters and flood ((Shhh)  destroyed the vegetation and all the white rice.  Now the twittering birds (twit! Twit!) and the flowers were very sad.

    The forlorn goddess brought forth once more her nourishing breast and squeezed and squeezed all her milk, but only deep, red drops of blood came out-till she could squeeze no more.  These drops of blood became the red rice.

    And people from all walks of life came to partake of the red rice.  And the flowers bloomed once more and the twittering birds sang their sweet melodies and happiness reigned once in these faraway islands.  The soft Zephyric winds (wosshhh!) now gentle, and the tempest (shhh!) becoming softly cascading waters (shhh!)

  2. hee.....
    bka d2
    hirap kya mag hnap...
    try nyong
    ang pag hnap

  3. examples of chamber theater pieces

  4. where can i find chamber theatre pieces? please HELP!!

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