
Where can you find chinese medicine?

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and is it possible to grow/make your own?




  1. if you live in sydney i just found one located in front of market city near the uts library and china town

  2. it's probably not good to make your own unless you know what you are doing. Chinese herbal medicine is very complex field of study

  3. You can grow your own herbs, but depending on where you live and how much work you put in. It might be too late in the summer.

    There should be a search engine at the top of this page. Type Chinese medicine.

  4. and

  5. Move to California or Queensland, buy a land, purchase a seeds and happy growing. Good luck in your venture. I rather go to the china - herbalist.

  6. in your city's china town's chinese drug store.

  7. go to ....and check out the product profile on the gano RG and GL, the Andro-G, and Cordyceps.

    most chinese herbalists have their own herb gatherers, I know my chinese Dr gets his from them......

  8. I dont know about growing your own but there are any number of practitioners in China Town.

  9. in china?

    and i am not sure about the grow make thing.

    Have a look on the internt!

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