
Where can you find custom eye black strips? also, where can you find custom decals for an oakley visor?

by  |  earlier

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I want to purchase some custom eye black and oakley visor decals but can't seem to find a site.




  1. Yeah, you would have to find it online, but it would be very difficult. I think mostly the only way to get those would be in a bulk order as a team. If you can find a more highbrow outfitter of college teams, they would probably be able to help you.

  2. I replace money with money, you are retarded. first of all, who cares why he wants it? guys who look good actually perform better. idk why, but they do. and you cant get custom eye black at walmart dumbass. you hav to go online for it moron.

  3. well i know ur juss buyin this stuff to look cool but anyways go to walmart or a sports store...durr..

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