
Where can you find garage sales in your area?

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I cant seem to find listings in classifieds or anything, anyone able to help?




  1. In my town we have a free classifieds paper. Not the regular newspaper, but a separate thing all together. That's where you can find the ads in my town. Also laundry mats and the local grocery store has a public bulletin board with garage sale listings.

  2. try your local paper. I think it is in the classifieds section

  3. Around where I live & most parts of Australia in fact, people having garage sales usely post a notice about it along the streets nearest them(on light poles or corner posts etc) Keep an eye out for that, but most of our papers carry ads for garage sales, or local papers.


  5. probley on the street!! lol im kidding ask friends or family if the seen anything around go to big places and big streets hope i could help!

  6. Have you tried going to the local laundry mats and checked their bulletin boards?  Smoe of the nmore heavily traveled intersections will probably have signs up.  your local church will have someone that knows an upcoming garage sale.

  7. Try  in your city.

  8. Classified section of your local paper or if your area has a pennysaver type of community paper, they are usually listed in there.

  9. look for signs posted in your area or turn to craigs list as they post wanted or needed items you do not say where you live as local news stations post yard sales for free on their web sites

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