
Where can you find the annual growth rate for a corporation?

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Where can you find the annual growth rate for a corporation?




  1. for future annual growth rate estimates, use zacks investment research, firstcall, I/B/E/S, analysts' estimates, management estimates (derived from various places including interviews and SEC filings).   many of these sources require paying subscriptions.  Bloomberg is very expensive, but you can get ALL of the above thru bloomberg.

    for historical growth, simply obtain past financial statemetns and calculate average historical growth.  when you have no good sources for future growth (which is more important of course), you can sometimes use historical growth as a proxy for future growth.  this is especially true for a mature company or a company in a mature, saturated market.

    you can also use the market share method, which uses an overall industry's growth, multiplied by your company's share of that market.  this gets you growth in actual dollar terms, which you can convert to a percentage.

    also, implied growth is the company's return on equity multiplied by (1 - Div Payout Rate).

  2. many public corporations publish financial reviews on their websites. Also, look for sites devoted to the industry-industry analysts will comment on these types of things often, and you can find articles that might help. The pay sites are the easiest, but i agree, pricey.  

  3. If it is publicly traded, try there financial statements.

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