
Where can you find the "right" Russian girl??

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ok so alot of them want money i could understand this from my own life but w/e.. where do you find one that will love you for you like where do you go?? i hear al the time on the plane flights to and from russia that Russian women are the most beautiful and nicest women in the world where ARE THEY??? thank yousz




  1. they don't exist, that's why you can't find them, simple as that! it's no rocket science, is it :)

  2. On the net just go to

  3. Let me tell you Russian women are Beautiful I know I am married to one now for 6 years and have a 3 1/2 year old girl and let tell you I believe I got lucky and I meet my wife on but I was lucky, because most are money hungry.

    Let me tell you it took almost 16 months for my wife to get here and I still had to go see her in Russia on our first year of marriage and then 4 months after that she was here and have been back to Russia about 16 months ago to go see her mother and grand parents.

  4. It all depends on your definition of the word "right". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say, so how can you be sure that the YOUR right girl is even Russian? People who pick the nationality/ethnicity/other attributes of their future mate first, before considering that personality and character are far more important, are bound to end up with the "wrong" girl.

    PS: And yes, we're the most beautiful women in the world. :)))

  5. I know this really sweet girl who lives in Denver...she's about thirty.  

    I think you actually should MEET the person in question.  Don't buy them.  What a waste!  I doubt very much that you will find the "right" girl through an ad on the internet.

  6. Moscow, i am russian and i know.  It is true we are hot, and although we really DO want money they also want the guy to take us to nice exotic places.  Yull find most of those in Moscow, other places i am not very sure but moscow for sure!

  7. Stop viewing Russia as some "perfect bride kennel". There's nothing wrong with visiting a country and falling in love there, but when you go to a country specifically in search of a mate and nothing else, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. You will probably come off as desperate and certain people will want to take advantage of that. So in the end, if you want to visit Russia, then by all means do so, but not for the sole reason of finding a girl.

  8. well stop looking to the left and look to the right. there you're see a right girl, not a left one.

    It's a joke, but there's something you can think about in it.

  9. I hope i'm the right Russian girl and i met my friend on - it's a free dating site, you can try it.

    You can visit also this forum where foreigners discuss the ways how to meet right Russian women

  10. No no.There are no any right in Russia.

    All moved to US :)

    Don`t go there for girls.

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