
Where can you get SCOTTY CAMERON putters in AUSTRALIA?

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Other than on eBay.

I am yet to see a golf shop selling Scotty Camerons here in Melbourne.




  1. You can order them through the internet. Check the sites below.

  2. scotty cameron putters r a brand of titleist golf.

    The shops you have been 2 might not actually stock titleist, it's stupid cause certain stores stock certian brands.

    Look for a good store that sells titleist.

    P.S. you wont find titleist at "cheap" stores, it is probablyh the top golfing brand so would only be in "golf only" stores.

  3. In addition to Tom M's answer a good quality golf shop selling Titleist gear will usually only be found at a golf course. Ring a bigger golf course near by and ask someone in the pro-shop if they either stock them or who does.

  4. try the site below

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