
Where can you get a fake id in ireland????

by  |  earlier

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its for my17 yr oid sis for my coucins 21st




  1. There's a little shop down Sackville Place near Earl Place in Dublin that deals with that type of matter, just go in and say Paddy sent me it will cost about 50 euro.

    ps the shops called 'Fake ID's for U'

  2. i am reporting you to the guards for encouraging underage drinking

  3. yeah fight the system man :P just tell hger to wear a short skirt im pretty sure that workls never worked for me thou :C

  4. Hello,

             Nowthen, why would you need a fake I.D., I think you are trying to get your sister into a spot of bother with the authorities and that's not right or fair, you will very likely be breaking the law with any fake I.D. so it might be a good idea to not bother, your sister could end up in all kinds of trouble, and where would that lay in your concience then, tell your sister to wait until she is of voting age and then the whole of the country is her oyster, and she will be able to do whatever it is she wants to do, and your concience will be clear.....Please do not lead your young sister into any temptations, she may get hurt, and be awfully sorry for her actions then, just apply a liberal amount of common sense, you know what that is, its a set of unwritten rules for the guidance of wise people and the ignorance of fools...Tony M

  5. Very good advice, Tony. Whatever "source" got posted here for such a service would likely get investigated by the law. That is also very poor guidance by an older relative.

  6. Can you not get an id that looks like her?  That used to work for us!  Theres also websites that does it too!  And to everyone else saying that this is morally wrong..... wise up... I dont know any 17 year old in Ireland who does not have a fake id

    Plus the fact its for a 21st birthday party so her family will probably be there.

    You people aggravate me pompous, and stuck up!

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