
Where can you get cheap prices on fish tanks?

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i need one for a goldfish, and then I'm going to get another goldfish. i need help. please




  1. u can get a 10 gallon tank for 11.99 and a pump for about 13.99. goldfish are 29cents or 12 cents for small at petsmart.

    or buy a bowl for about 5 bucks( but u have to change the water more)

  2. Well, for two common, long bodied goldfish you're going to need a 55 gallon tank.

    For two fancy goldfish, you'll need a 30 gallon at least.

    Around me [I'm in Ohio] Petsmart has the best prices for fish tanks and stands. Search around local shops or on your local craigslist =]

  3. walmart or petsmart.

  4. Probably u should learn from me...

    I asked all my friends if they have any unwanted tanks at home n get from them...

    Because many people have tanks in the past n stop the hobby... So, u just get from them. Only only u can get a free tank, you can also help your friend by clearing off a "rubbish"... =)

    However, if you can't find 1, then u might have to purchase 2nd hand on ur local fish forum or ebay maybe...

    Lastly, if still to a avail, you just have to buy from LFS!

  5. Try to go to a swap meet, i always buy my fish tanks there. Or try to find something at Craigslist

  6. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebay

    petsmart and petco are rip offs

    walmart is ok

    craigslist is sooo bootleg



  7. Petco....where the pets go

  8. Try craigs list. I found all 3 of mine there.

    2- 55 gallon

    1- 40 gallon

  9. There are plenty of tanks on ebay but you can't ever be too sure that it won't leak or be all scratched up. Try your local pet store or fish store. They normally have good prices of tanks but the stands can be expensive. Ask if you can get just the tank and then if you have one, put it on a very sturdy surface that you will be sure can hold it (water weighs about 8-10 pounds per gallon!).

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