
Where can you get the Hillary Clinton bumper sticker that says....?

by  |  earlier

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"Life's a B, don't vote for one" and it has her picture. For real. I wanna get it for my boyfriend....




  1. I like the idea of writing it yourself. What a great idea - get as many people as possible to write it on their bumper and draw their version of Hillary Clinton on the bumper, take a photo and put it on the internet. Anyone a good project manager and would volunteer to make this a nation wide effort? Does someone have a website or a good place to consolidate these so everyone can enjoy them?

  2. Im getting one too...AND a T shirt

  3. Hillary Clinton might just be bumping everybody with her sticker and it might be a great advantage for her as symbol of power.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know if Hillary will likely win.

  4. I am sure Rush God Limbaugh can rustle one up for ya.

  5. How about a bumper sticker that says


    With GW's face on it?

    It seems some people can be fooled all the time.

  6. Try the Republican National Committee.

  7. If you find out --LET ME KNOW so I can order them!! Thanks

  8. You should get the t-shirt that says, "I love country music."  I can't describe it here without violating terms of service, but I found it hilarious.  It has her picture on it.

  9. Would be nice to have one - maybe if we can not find one we can use a magic marker and write it on the bumper - maybe we could call this the new write-in campaign; or write out campaign. I wonder how many people we could get to just write on their bumpers - NO HILLARY IN 2008. This could be fun - get pictures of the bumpers and the hand drawn pictures on the internet so we can all enjoy it!

  10. I just ordered some for friends,  they all want one.

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