
Where can you go to find birth/death details england and wales?

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I am trying to find the birth or death of a specific family member....I do not want to pay on the internet sites. Where is the best place to physically go and find the information i need for somebody born/died in england. We have the full name of the person and roughly when they might have been born........and also the area of London where they lived.




  1. UK answer,

    If you would like to email me the details through my yahoo profile, I will find the information for you I have membership to

    Hope this helps.

  2. I would suggest that you call 411 and find info on where you could go in London and purchase the things you need or just take a trip if it is affordable because this information is available to you with the proper identification  

  3. It depends which year.

    There's freebmd and freecen.

  4. This site has some great free resources that will point you to where the records are located, from there you can order the records from the appropriate repository:

  5. Go to the registra office in the area they were born it will cost you about £7 for a certificate

  6. See if you can find the quarter, volume and page number on Freebmd..

    Then order the certificate online at..

    Cost 7 Pounds.

  7. Your local central library will more than likely have them on microfiche

  8. There are quite a few websites that will do this and you could try Find my past .com.  The family records centre in Middleton Street  Islington is being transferred to another location but you should be able to to the site I recommended find out what you you want to know

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