
Where can you meet birth mothers online who are trying to find adoptive parents?

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Are there any websites? My cousin has been wanting a baby for so long and is now considering adoption. She would make a great mom. She is in college, currently studying to teach kindergarten, has a steady job, and is a christian. She has never even tried drugs, beer, or smoking. Well, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Also, even a good website on where to start the adoption process would be a great help.




  1. if this were REALLY a question about "information" she wouldnt need to tell us that her cousin is not a drug user. you are looking for a baby. that is not very christian to lie that you are looking "just" for some ideas.

  2. We don't offer "matching" for adoptive parents but, we do have some great info and support about the process and methods of adoption at my site...

  3. Her best bet would be to contact a local adoption agency or speak with an adoption lawyer.

  4. I would recommend that she contact a local reputable adoption agency for more information.  Using the internet to find birth families is dangerous for everyone involved.  Also many states have rules & regulations about ways bio families and adoptive families can find each other.  Some people also feel that using the internet for trying to find a birth family is "soliciting" and that is not a good way to start the adoption process.

    Another option is to look into foster care in her state.  These are children who are truly waiting for homes and need adoptive parents.  She can contact her local Dept of Human Services, Children & Youth Division for more information on foster care.

  5. The question isn't about finding a baby, it's about finding resources in her area. It is perfectly legal.

    I would check with my local Dept of Family Services - they will have a list of agencies in the area, including those working in foster care adoption, International, and domestic. As for an online resource for support and assistance, I would check out - you can find some great resources to help you with adoption support. They can also help your cousin figure out if adoption is right for her.

  6. She may want to look into fostering through her county.  There really is not a huge need for babies to be adopted, ESPECIALLY by single mothers.

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