
Where can you play hockey for free in Canada?

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  1. Alright, NOTHING is free. Especially hockey. its expensive, unless you have some amazing talent and they let you  on a team for free. Talk to the coach of the team at your local rink and see if he'll let you on for free on discount (h**l probably want you to audition)

    Equipment costs a crapload too, and skates. If you have these, check out some outdoor rinks. Often times they will have times where people can have games for free. Check their schedule.

  2. during the winter go grab some buddies and head for the nearby pond =D

    but of course you're gonna have to buy some sticks and the puck and goal. there public shinny skate at local areas (not too sure if there is where you're asking about though) it's only a few dollars fee at the door, drop in with equiptment and everything then play for around 2 hours

  3. in winter in a frozen lake! and if you want indoor you cant go for free!

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