
Where can you publish your poems to the web, without any hidden catches or hard selling?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Poemhunter dot com is owned by Google...and is the largest poetry site in the world.

    I have 300 poems posted there, and there's no fee for membership, hidden catches...nothing.

    Excellent place to get comments from other members!

    I was waiting for you to show, TD!

  2. That site is almost as lame as mine:

  3. it is better on your own personal website. Because some of these website take you poem tell you it is free and if it is good they sell to other countries or places and make money of of you and you won't get a dime and not even aware of it. They only ask you for your name, screen name, and email is optional, but they don't ask you for your address to mail you any money they made off of you.

  4. you can try word press or fiction press

  5. Only at your site!

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