
Where can you recommend I visit in Northern Spain?

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I am flying into Asturias and will be going to Vitoria and San Sebastien but was wondering where else in northern Spain is worth a visit. Would also like to stick near the coast, visit some nice beaches and have a relaxing time.




  1. Los picos de Europa are a mountain range and are really beautiful. I was in Asturias a couple of years ago on holiday and we stayed in Ribedesella, which is a nice town and a great base for water sports, from there you can easily go to Covadonga, Llanes and the coast line is very picturesque, it reminded me a bit of Cornwall.

  2. Oviedo, Picos de Europa, Santilla del Mar, Bilbao, Santona

  3. If your flying into Asturias then you should visit Gijon (or Xijon in Asturian) . Gijon is a great city to visit. The beach is nice and the waters cool in the summer. Visit the calle Correda for open air cafes.Once you leave Gijon there are numerous little seaside villages and beaches.

  4. Blanes (?).  Good place to vacation from vacationing

  5. Asturias is incredible...Oviedo  is  fantastic! ..Gijon,all ASTURIAS IS BEAUTIFUL! All beaches are good .You should go to Luanco or Langreo...Incredible...Picos de Europa! Lagos de Covadonga.....ayyyyy.kss.bye

  6. Cantabria --->  Santander, Santillana del Mar, Comillas...

    Comillas is a fairytale village :  gorgeous beach, Gaudi's buildings, ancient houses and the strangest cemetery.

  7. Bilbao is fantastic. The basques are so warm its ridiculous.

  8. Madrid

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